Creating your own promo codes

You can set up your own promo codes to attract more customers and increase sales!

  1. Click on your name at the top right hand corner of the website.

  2. Click the Promo Code button.

  3. To create a new promo code, click "New Promo Code"

  4. Fill in the fields. Here is what each of them mean:
    • Discount Code → The code you want your customer to input on the confirmation page. (e.g. AA5OFF, NTUC6OFF)
    • Time period → The time period the code is valid for 
    • Discount Value → Choose between percentage or amount (e.g 20% off or $5 off)
    • Minimum order value → The minimum the customer must spend to use the promo code (e.g. your code can only be used if a customer orders at least $10 worth of alterations)
    • Amount of Usages → How many times the promo code can be used
    • Active → You can turn your code on or off. If the code is turned on, your customers can use it to receive discounts. If the code is turned off, then your customers cannot use it to receive discounts.
    • Can it be used with promo code? → also provides its own promo codes to customers. If this option is turned on, then customers can use both your promo code and's promo codes on the same order. If this option is turned off, then customers cannot use both your promo code and's promo code in the same order.

  5. Click "Save" to confirm the code details.

  6. Your code is now ready for your customers to use!